Friday, March 23, 2007

Time for a Profile in Courage?

Harry Reid sponsored a "retreat resolution" during the week of March 15, 2007. Although the resolution failed, it certainly gave aid and comfort to Al Qaeda, whose leader had said that America would run if challenged. Reid's measure gave enormous credence to Usama's claim. Still, always the optimist, I fired off the following via fax.


March 15, 2007

FROM: Somewhere in California

Senator Joseph Lieberman,
706 Hart Office Building,
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator Lieberman:

Few presidents, much less Senators, hold the fate of the Nation, and possibly the world, in their hands as you do at this moment in history. Today’s vote on Senator Reid’s Iraq resolution will doubtless cost the lives of many American service personnel, Iraqis, and possibly others beyond Iraq. Worse, Senator Reid has promised to reintroduce the measure, perhaps several times. You more than most understand that each vote of this sort strengthens Al Qaeda.

History will judge you, and this generation, on your actions over the next few months. Last year, Republicans, independents, and a minority of Democrats elected you to the Senate as an Independent. Moreover, you support the President’s policies on this, the Third World War. Thus, you alone have the power to change the balance in the Senate. As a result, History will assign you more responsibility for events in this era than any other member of Congress; and perhaps, more than any other American.

I implore you then, to act and to do so soon. While you need not join the Republicans immediately, you can write to Senator Reid. You can tell him that his actions jeopardize any possibly victory in Iraq; and, that, if those actions continue, you will in fact join the Republicans. If a letter does not change the actions of Senator Reid and his cohorts, then you would do best to go forward and “organize with the Republicans.”

I understand how much easier it is for me to write this than it is for you to take such drastic action. Still, you stand on the edge of history; you alone have the power to shorten or to extend this global war. You alone must decide whether to stand with Chamberlain or with Churchill. When history looks back on this era, how will it judge Joe Lieberman? Will history list you with the generation of the 1940s or with the generation of the 1930s? Will history count you among those who stood up to aggressors, or among those who whetted the appetites of aggressors and brought on a catastrophic war?

I wish you well at this difficult time and thank you for your many years of service to our Country.
