Corn Husker Kick Back -- What to Do?
I hope everyone reading my blog has heard about the Corn Husker Kick Back and the Florida "Medicare Advantage" given in exchange for "Yes" votes on the Health Care Takeover bill by their "undecided" Senators. While we citizens can seemingly do nothing about the bill now, I think we have one card to play. Here is what I did:
Dear Senator Feinstein:
Please fight to get California the same benefits under the Health Bill as it bestows on both Nebraska and Florida.
The desire of President Obama to sign a "deficit neutral" bill should not force California into bankruptcy. The Health Bill could do just that as it pushes a big Medicaid burden onto the states. With the California economy on life support, no state needs more relief from the increased costs than ours. California has far fewer per capita resources to absorb the Bill's large unfunded Medicaid mandate. At the same time, a greater percentage of Californians than Nebraskans rely on Medicaid.
If the new Medicaid burden will give Nebraska a headache, it will give California a concussion!
In addition to pushing costs onto the states, the Health Bill takes away an important senior benefit: Medicare Advantage--except that is for seniors living in Florida. Before my late father passed away, he frequently extolled the virtues of his Medicare Advantage plan. Imagine then, the frustration that thousands of California seniors will feel when their benefits disappear. Realizing that Floridians will continue enjoying their Medicare Advantage plans will only compound that frustration. While you may not be able to undo the unfair "Florida deal;" you can at least get California the same deal.
One would expect that having an experienced, loyal and highly regarded Senator would bring significant benefits to California. Instead, your loyalty to the cause of Health Care seems to have brought Californians less value and higher taxes.
Merry Christmas to all; and to all, a good night.