Mr. President:
You must state facts, clear, convincing, well known or easily verified facts before you ever utter a positive superlative about anything other than your wife or your descendants.
You would be President today IF you had stated facts rather than saying you had done “great things” during the first 2020 Presidential Debate.
Mr. President, you must tell the American People in detail what you got done! Very few Americans know any, much less many, of your very remarkable accomplishments as President. Fewer yet realize how effectively Nancy Pelosi blocked so many of your initiatives, especially the Wall. I suspect that if a pollster asked 100 American voters the last time America was energy independent, over half would answer 1970 or earlier. Some would say never. Few would know it was early 2021!
I only heard you speak about deregulation once or twice over your entire presidency; yet deregulation was the primary reason for the “Miracle Recovery” during your first year in office.
Rather than, “I had the greatest recovery ever,” how about:
My first official act as President was to reverse 50 job killing executive orders issued by Barack Obama. In addition, I ordered all departments to repeal two regulations for every new regulation they wanted to impose. Three months later, the Economy took off like a rocket ship in no small part because I removed the suffocating lead boot of Obama from the neck of the Economy. Joe Biden has plunked that heavy boot right back onto the neck of your employer. That puts everyone’s job right in the crosshairs!”
Instead of, “Illegal immigrants are ‘poisoning the blood’ of America, list six of the greatest harms trafficking in illegals does to our nation—starting with:
· “Fifty-nine percent of non-citizen households (e.g. green card holders and illegal immigrants)” receive some kind of transfer payment—a technical term for welfare programs. (Note 1. Below)
· Many illegals “pay” the coyotes who lead them here by carrying a pack of fentanyl or other illicit drugs on their backs.
· The cartels force many illegals, including children, into actual, not figurative, slavery—including sex-slavery. [How troubling that this item is arguably number four on a list of ills brought to America by the trafficking in persons on the Southern Border.]
Instead of, “I had the strongest foreign policy ever,” perhaps:
President Obama famously said that he could not bring peace to the Middle East in one speech. After a great deal of hard work, I personally meditated “The Abraham Accords”—peace treaties between Israel and three Muslim nations. If given four more years, I can move the Abraham Accords further ahead. In addition, I got “Little Kim” of North Korea to stop threatening his neighbors and launching missiles over their territories.
Yes, Mr. President, you had many more Foreign Policy wins; unfortunately, your campaign did not seem to mention those accomplishments. Of course, I live in Soviet California; and your campaign did not do much here.
You probably will find more success by purging from your public statements:
· All forms of “Great” and all of its synonyms
· Inflammatory terms such as, “Poisoning the blood.” Again, your supporters know what you mean by such comments; the people you need to reach generally do not.
Bottom Line:
You must state facts, clear, convincing, well known or easily verified facts before you ever utter a positive superlative about anything other than your wife or your descendants.
Those facts should consist of your accomplishments as President.
Do not call any opponent a name. That’s not stating a fact.
Note 1: New Survey of Income and Program Participation Data Available
Referenced in,
Both retrieved 10 January 2024