Thursday, August 1, 2024

Only One Party Can Bring Peace to, and End the Suffering, in Gaza

If Vice-President Harris, as President Biden before her, really wanted to end the suffering and fighting in Gaza, they would demand that Hamas lay down its arms and surrender unconditionally. Nothing else can end the fighting and suffering. Hamas uses the suffering of its people as a weapon and a strategy. Thus, do not expect Hamas to do anything to reduce that suffering, much less surrender; or, for that matter, for the Biden-Harris Administration to call for Hamas to do anything.


Calling on Israel to cease fire is worse than useless; it would guarantee continued war. Hamas has already promised 10,000 more October Sevenths. Hamas broke a long-standing cease fire when it attacked Israel. Another cease fire will only allow Hamas to reorganize, recruit, rearm, and unleash further carnage on Israel and Gaza.


The Administration has actions available to pressure Hamas and blunt the impact of its propaganda. Every week, the Administration should:

·      Issue a U.S. intelligence estimate of the total casualties in Gaza broken down by militants and civilians with the corresponding Hamas claims next to our figures. I suspect that U.S. Intelligence has a finger on the real numbers.

·      Point out that the Gaza Ministry of Health is really the Hamas Ministry of Health; that civilian casualty figures from the Ministry of Health are Hamas figures; and therefore suspect — Israel contends that the numbers include every soldier of Hamas and its allies killed or wounded.

·      Remind the world that, as mentioned in the first paragraph, Hamas has promised to repeat October Seventh over and over; and that Hamas broke a long-standing cease fire agreement on that day.


Again, only Hamas can end the suffering of the people of Gaza. The Administration should prove its sincerety by calling on Hamas, not Israel, to stand down. That is, if the Administration really wants to end the suffering in Gaza.