Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Can President Trump Possibly Win in November?

If the President continues blithely and complacently running against the current crop of hopeless candidates much longer, Michele Obama will “mop the floor” with him in November. The time for unfocused speeches “preached to the choir” has ended. President Trump must tar President Obama with all his duplicity, failures, and excesses—without mentioning the name of Mrs. Obama. In essence, President Trump must win the election before 13 July 2020, when the Democrat Convention starts.

The democrats will likely nominate Michele Obama on ballot three through six. The move for an Obama Candidacy has become increasingly clear for a couple of months. The Obama Team really “amped up” its campaign during post-debate comments on January 14, 2020. Numerous commentators, as shown on Fox, all seemingly “independently” concluded in unison that, “None of these (Debate) candidates can beat President Trump.” Until the fourteenth, the Obama Team seemed focused on subtly making sure the convention deadlocked.

The early Obama effort took two forms. First, questions as to why numerous “can’t win” candidates entered the race in the first place. It seems clear that some, if not most, entered to dilute the delegate counts of the front runners. Second, many comments such as, “Why hasn’t President Obama endorsed Biden?”—comments designed to make sure that Joe Biden, at first, nor anyone else, later, could win the nomination on an early ballot. You see, for several ballots, many delegates must vote for the candidate who won their seat at the Convention.

The foregoing certainly gives a plausible answer to why Michael Bloomberg would suddenly jump into a race so late—too late to win even if he actually ever had a chance in the first place. Diluting support for the four front runners seems more plausible than a desire to ride in on a green dragon and rescue the Country. Even Bloomberg knows he could never win.

President Trump needs to hammer home that the American Economy took off when he yanked the Obama Boot off its neck. And, that any Democrat President will jam that Obama Boot right back onto “your back”, suffocate the Economy, and decimate jobs. In fact, if “you” got a job after March 2017, chances are good that you will lose that job shortly after any Democrat takes the White House in 2021. More than any other action, deregulation launched the amazing Trump Recovery—a recovery President Obama ridiculed as impossible. President Trump must make that clear; and he must do it now.

Before the Democrat Convention starts on 13 July 2020, President Trump would do well to make the “Obama Boot” a part of the American Political Lexicon. Each voter the President wants to win needs to know that their job hangs in the balance in 2020—ideally, by or before 6 July 2020. After someone puts the name Michele Obama before the Democrat convention, a gushing “media tsunami” will drown out President Trump. The opportunity to run against President Obama will have dried up.

In addition to the foregoing, President Trump obviously needs to hang the myriad other Obama failures on the shoulders of the former President: Obama Care, Israel, Benghazi, Iran Nuclear Deal, Ukraine, Defense Build Down, and on and on for another couple thousand words.

Sub themes on the Economy:
  • Rolling back Obama era regulations gave businesses the confidence to expand, which in turn launched the Trump Recovery
  • President Obama spewed out more job killing regulations than any President in history
  •  “If you got a job after [the President’s] inauguration, you stand to lose it if any Democrat takes the White House—the Democrat way: ‘last hired; first fired’”
  • After telling the American People many times that “the days of three percent growth [are] gone forever” President Obama:
    • Ridiculed President Trump for saying the Economy would grow at or over three percent
    • Suddenly wants to claim credit for the gone-forever-growth that blew through three percent after President Trump took office

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